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What Can I Expect as a Client?

Available and Responsive – I am available to you by phone, email and in person. I check email and voicemail reguarly - when we are not in the office, I will do my best to respond to you within hours, regardless of the request.

A close working relationship - We are confident that throughout the years or decades we work together, you will never find another personal financial advisor who'll care more about you and your family, or who'll be more deeply committed to the realization of your financial goals.

Superb attention to detail – We hate mistakes and avoid them at all costs by paying superb attention to detail and checking and re-checking everything. In the rare event we make a mistake, we take immediate responsibility, and correct it to the best of our ability.

Clear reasoning for our recommendations – We believe that our recommendation must be clearly explained and carefully considered by clients. We help you understand the advice we offer by taking our time, and provide you with supporting educational materials such as our audio seminar series, as well as other practical financial tools exclusively for our clients.

Honesty - We promise to tell you the plain unvarnished truth, even if it creates discomfort in the short-term. We will also be honest when we don't know the answer to a question you ask. We will say, "I don't know, but I'll find out" and then we will get back to you with the answer.

Holistic – Before we make a recommendation, we will consider its consequences on your entire financial plan. We will take the time to understand your goals as well as your taxes, investments, insurance, and estate and retirement needs.

Confidential - We treat your financial and personal information in strict confidentiality and according to our Privacy Notice.  

Professional – We will treat you with respect, professionalism, honesty, and maintain a nonjudgmental attitude toward the goals and information presented to us. 

Transparent - We will fully describe our method of compensation and any potential conflicts of interest which will (or reasonably may) compromise the impartiality or independence of our advice. We specify the total cost of our fees and the management fees of the underlying investments recommended.